Sunday, January 11, 2009

Well well WELL WELL welllllll


Here we go everybody!!!!! Seat belts on?? Helmets buckled???? Get ready for a terrifying, dizzying week!

We have come to the official week of my departure. If I felt swearing was appropriate for my readership I might do so here.

Here is a sampling of some of the things I need to do:

1. Go through the twelve travel books I borrowed from the library and create an information folder by scanning hundreds of pages (I have to do this research NOW because I'll have very limited internet use on the ship). This task may sound innocent enough but it's going to take forever, believe you me.
2. Several coffee dates. That's fine. I'm looking forward to those.
3. GET INOCULATED. Can you believe I'm letting them shoot me with needles just so that when Moroccan mosquitoes try to do the same to me it will be ok? In I way I feel like I'm enabling them.
4. Pack. This one is good and bad. I'm really excited to HAVE everything organized. Unfortunately the process I'll need to go through is going to stink because my room is just absolutely trashed right now.
5. Print out this one page I'm supposed to show the people in Nassau Customs. Also fax SAS my updated transcript.
6. Buy: magnets (the walls of my room are not, themselves "magnetic" as Ben Coppersmith pointed out, but they are magnetized metal so I'll hang up pictures with magnets.), an international phone card, and yoga pants.
7. Pick out the music I want to sing at my senior recital. I really need to get on this NOW before I leave so I can start learning it on the ship..

That's it. That's not that bad.

oops and 8. Shave my legs. I'm going to the BAHAMAS.

You know that feeling where time is moving forward and just dragging you with it? Maybe you don't. That feeling is my conjoined twin. BAD joke meaning that I can't shake that feeling.. I just have a lot to do that I haven't been getting done but time is moving forward anyway. I just need to catch up to it. Time. What a jerk.

This post is getting rather long but I would just, quickly, like to give a "shout out" to my home-boy Robbie. He's off in "Scottyland," and taking Edinburgh by storm. Unfortunately he has mostly just taken the Edinburgh toilets by storm so far, as he got food poisoning on his first afternoon out.. But he's recovering from that and from jet lag and I would just like to say that I'm really excited about the adventure he's beginning. Even though I'd rather hang out with him on a cruise around the world.

Love to all of you!